Countering Western Sanctions: Building a CES Network by Ye Yan
"After the formation of a CES network, the US will in a sense be ‘digging its own grave’ by [imposing] unilateral economic sanctions.”
Dear Everyone,
Last week, Sinification looked at a recent speech by Yang Ping (杨平), head and editor-in-chief of the influential Beijing Cultural Review (文化纵横). During his address, Yang advocated building a new international system led by countries in the Global South, including China, in response to the divide that increasingly characterises China’s political relations with the West. For those of you who may have missed it, I would suggest simply reading through the first few introductory paragraphs from this post, which should help provide some context to this week’s piece:
Today’s article is entitled “Economic sanctions and international cooperation to counter them” and was published last month in “Foreign Affairs Review” (外交评论), a well-known academic publication run by China Foreign Affairs University. It has since seen been crossposted by a couple of notable outlets including Yang’s Beijing Cultural Review. Its author, Ye Yan (叶研) is a senior economist at the international R&D arm …