Energy Security, Climate Change and China's Energy Mix: Policy Recommendations by CASS Prof. Xue Li
"[We] need to learn from Europe’s lesson and limit the share of natural gas imports from Russia to within a certain range not exceeding, I suggest, one-third of all imports."
Dear Everyone,
Against the backdrop of the war in Ukraine and growing tensions with the West, energy and food security continue to be widely discussed topics in the PRC. Today’s article focuses on China’s energy mix and dependence on foreign resources and provides an unusually explicit set of policy recommendations in this regard.
For the many new subscribers to this newsletter, I am including a piece by Fudan University Prof. Feng Yujun (冯玉军) on how Beijing should “get rid of its outdated ideas” about energy security that was shared in Sinification last December.
Today's excerpts were translated by dxh, a journalist who wishes to remain anonymous. Thank you very much to them for contributing to this newsletter.
Xue worries about what he calls the West’s “civilisational rivalry” with China. He anticipates that the western world will increase its targeting of countries which do not align with its values and interests, and predicts that local conflicts and proxy wars are set to rise…