How China Should Engage with the US and the World as Viewed by Tsinghua Prof. Da Wei
"We should consider rising above US-China rivalry and focus on safeguarding and enhancing China's overall connectivity with the world."
Dear Everyone,
At a time when tensions between the United States and China are once again on the rise and hawkish voices in both countries have been growing louder, today’s edition of Sinification draws attention to a more moderate voice.
The excerpts below are from a recent article by one of China’s most respected US specialists, Da Wei (达巍). Da is, amongst other things, a professor of international relations at Tsinghua University and the director of its prestigious Centre for International Security and Strategy (CISS). His article was first published a couple of weeks ago (i.e. before the balloon incident) and has since been crossposted several times by Chinese think tanks and university research centres alike. Even the notoriously US-averse Global Times published his piece both in Chinese and an abridged version of it in English.
For those of you who might not be so used to reading this type of article, Da’s arguments are framed using concepts and rhetoric promoted by the Chinese …