Prof. Zheng Yongnian on Chinese Overcapacity
"Without productive power, changing the world is impossible. A China with enough production capacity to change the world will help shape a new, more sustainable and fairer global economic order."
Today’s edition was put together and translated with the generous help of Robert A. Kapp, former academic, president of the US-China Business Council from 1994 to 2004 and a current special advisor to the US-China Education Trust. – Thomas
Zheng Yongnian is one of China’s foremost, globally recognized public intellectuals, a scholar and commentator of broad international experience (Ph.D. Princeton, MacArthur Foundation grant, editor of several series of publications on contemporary China, inter alia). He is currently a professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (Shenzhen). In this commentary, Prof. Zheng wades into the current controversy over China’s allegedly excessive industrial production and the resultant rapidly rising tide of PRC exports (most disturbingly of electric vehicles and greentech products), not only to developing countries but to highly developed Western country markets. He offers a sophisticated repackaging of now-familiar Chinese official responses to Western…